What is Foundation Bolt

 What is Foundation Bolt

1- Machines are generally subjected to vibration or forces. Due to this the machines are likely to shift or move from their positions. 

2- To overcome this, the machines are fixed to the ground with the help of devices called foundation bolts. 

3- These foundation bolts do not have a specific shape or head like hexagonal or square bolts.

4- The length of the shank is according to the thickness of nut and the thickness of machine base. 

5-  This odd shaped part holds the machine firmly to the ground.

Types of foundation bolt 

1- Eye foundation bolt .

2- Lewis foundation bolt .

3- Cotter foundation bolt.

4- Rag foundation bolt.

1- Eye foundation bolt 

1- Simple forms of these bolts can be quickly forged from mild-steel. The stationary engines and machines are fixed on these bolts. These bolts are suspended in the hole and cement grout is then poured to fill the space around them.

1- Eye foundation bolt

2- Lewis foundation bolt 

1- It is a rectangular shank bolt with one side taper. 

2- A gib head key is placed on the other side of taper and concrete is put around. 

3- The foundation bolt can be easily withdrawn by removing the gib head key first and then the bolt.

3- Cotter foundation bolt 

1- It has a rectangular slot through which a double headed cotter is placed. 

2- A cast iron washer rests above the cotter. 

3- Through a hand hole, connecting the cavity in the concrete the bolt is pulled down and lifting the cotter, the cotter is placed in position.

3- Cotter foundation bolt


4- Rag Foundation Bolt

1- This unique foundation bolt has a tapered body which comes with grooves on all sides of its body and a square or rectangular cross-section. 

2- Similar to the bent foundation bolt, it is mandatory to first allow the rag bolts to set in lead before allowing the whole assembly to set in concrete.

4- Rag Foundation Bolt


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