Safety Signe

1- In older days road locomotive carrying a red flag by day and red lantern by night. 

2- Safety is the prime motive of every traffic. 

Kinds of road signs 

a)- Mandatory .

b)- Cautionary .

c)- and Informatory

a)- Mandatory sign-

Violation of mandatory sign can lead to penalties. 

Ex. Stop, give  way  limits, prohibited, no parking and compulsory sign.

Mandatory sign-

b)- Cautionary signs-

Cautionary/ warning signs are especially safe. 

Do's and dont's for pedestrians, cyclists, bus passengers and motorists.

Cautionary signs-

c)- Information signs-

Information signs are especially benefit to the passengers and two wheelers.

Information signs

Marking lines on road-

• Marking lines are directing or warn to the moving vehicles, cyclist and pedestrians to follow the law. 
• Single and short broken lines with middle of the road allow the vehicle to cross the dotted lines safely overtake whenever required. 
• When moving vehicle approaching pedestrian crossing, be ready to slow down or stop to let people cross. 
• Do not overtake in the vicinity of pedestrian crossing.
Marking lines on road-

Police signals- 

1- To stop a vehicle approaching from behind.  

2- To stop a vehicle coming from front.  

3- To stop vehicles approaching simultaneously from front and behind. 

4- To stop traffic approaching from left and wanting to turn right. 

5- To stop traffic approaching from the right to allow traffic from left turn right. 

6- To allow traffic coming from the right and turning right by stopping traffic approaching from the left.  

7- Warning signal closing all traffic.  

8- Beckoning on vehicles approaching from left. 

9- Beckoning on vehicles approaching from right. 

10- Beckoning on vehicles from front.  

Police signals-

Traffic light signals 

1- Red means stop. Wait behind the stop line on the carriage way.

2- Red and amber also means stop. Do not pass through or start until green shows. 

3- Green means you may go on if the way is clear. Take special care if you mean to turn left or right and give way to pedestrians who are crossing.  
4- Amber means stop at the stop line. you may only go on if the amber appears after you have crossed the stop line or so close to it that to pull up may not be possible.  
5- Green arrow means that you may go in the direction shown by the arrow. You may do this whatever other lights may be showing.  
6- Pedestrians - do not cross.  
7- Pedestrians - cross now.  
8- Flashing red means stop at the stop line and if the way is clear proceed with caution.  
9- Flashing amber means proceed with caution.
Traffic light signals



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