
1)- There is every possibility of an accident in the workshops or industries and can be happened at any time. 

2)- It is not practically possible to have doctor available all the time and at every place. 

3)- So in case of sudden an accident, sickness or wounded condition, before any doctor or shifting to near hospital the patient is given some treatment known as First Aid

The duty of First Aid person is as follows:

1. The first of all duty of a First Aid person is try to call the doctor at once and try to give relief to the patient suffering from pain, fever or injury etc. till the doctor comes.

2. If blood is flowing from injury try to stop it at once.

3. It is well known fact that accident can be occurred by chance and if the location of doctor or hospital is far away then try to apply whatsoever is available in the interest of a patient.

4. Patient or injured person should be lay down to the bed so that he can breathe properly and if he feels some problem then artificial respiration should be started. His head should be little up and he should be slept towards right side so that he may have normal breathing.

5. Arrangement for water should be made and if possible he should drink water by himself and if he is unconscious then spray some water on his face and head, after that clean his face with cloth.

6. If there is deep cut wound and blood is flowing then clean it with fresh pure water and cover it with neat and clean cloth.

7. In case of broken bone, try to place it in its original position with great care, but note its he feels pain then use wooden wedges, etc. and try to shift in the hospital by giving him support.

8. In case of patient consume poison or some poisonous substance then try to find nature of that poison. Try to taken out or destroy that poison.

9.Some time in case of excess flow of blood or sudden accident then the balance of mind of a patient may be disturbed then at that time give some hot milk, coffee, tea or rum to the patient.

ABC of first aid 

ABC stands for airway, breathing and circulation. • 

1- Airway: 

Attention must first be brought to the airway to ensure it is clear. Obstruction (choking) is a life- threatening emergency. • 

2- Breathing: 

Breathing if stops, the victim may die soon. Hence means of providing support for breathing is an important next steps. There are several methods practiced in first aid. • 

3- Circulation: 

Blood circulation is vital to keep person alive. The first aiders now trained to go straight to chest compressions through CPR methods. 

Artificial Respiration Process

Artificial Respiration can be made by following methods:

1. Schaffer's Process

2. Sylvester's Process

3. Larboard Process

1- Schaffer's Process: 

i- In this method a victim (patient) lay down with face towards ground and his hands are spread towards his head. 

ii- Then his head is moved in one side that so his mouth and head should be separated from ground. 

iii- Bring his tongue Out and then you sit with knee having your face towards his head. 

iv- Place your hand on his chest and bend yourself keeping your arm straight and strong and put your body weight on hand with this there is a pressure on diaphragm and thus lungs release the air. 

v- Then bring your hand backward very slowly and remove the pressure from hand with this diaphragm will come to its original position and air will flow inside the diaphragm. 

vi- Repeat this process about twelve times in one minute. 

vii- Now when normal breathing start then  stop this artificial respiration.

2. Sylvester's Process: 

i- In this process the patient lay down on his back. 

ii- In that case do you loose his clothes around the chest. 

iii- Waist and Put a pillow beneath his neck so that his head is lifted backwards. 

iv- The tongue is then drawn forward and proceed further as given below:

a)- The rescuer should knee in the position and hold the victim just below his elbows and draw his his arms head over until they are horizontal. 

b)- Keep them in that pressing state for about two seconds. 

c)- Now bring the victims down arms on each side on his chest inward his above two on arms his chest.

d)- So as to compress Keep this position for at least two seconds. 

e)- Repeat the positions again during at the same rate. 

f)- It is required to draw the victim's tongue out during each inhalation attempt and release it each expiration stroke.

3- Larboard Process: 

1- It is a third method which is more popular than above two process. 

2- Lay down the victim on his back Loose his shirt by opening the buttons, open the victim's mouth. 

3- Be sure that his air passage is clear. 

4- Wipe foreign matter out of his mouth so that fresh air can easily enter into the victim's lungs. 

5- Now put your one hand under Victim's neck, while the other hand tits his head back, so that the chin points upward.

6- Now take a deep breath, place keeping your his mouth open mouth tightly over victim's mouth and blow the air shut. 

7- The air is filled into his a force into his mouth while lungs air by this procedure.

8- Now remove your mouth to let the lungs discharge the air.

9- If you observe  that the blown air  is not entering  his lungs, then check the head and jaw position. 

10- Make sure that mouth and throat are clear and tong is not blocking air passage. try mouth to mouth breathing again.



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