Labor Welfare Legislation-Emploeebility skill-ITI-fitter online note
1)- Apprentice act: -
Purpose- Promotion of new skilled worker by practical.
Applies- To areas and industries under central Government.
Eligibility to Apprentice- Minimum age of 14 years with level of education and physical fitness as indicated in the act.
Duration of Training- 6 months – 4 years depending on the trade.
i)- Registered with apprenticeship advisor.
ii)- Certificate of proficiency.
iii)- Payment in form of stipend.
2)- Payment of wages Act: -
i)- Regulation of payment of wages and speedy remedy under illegal deduction or on justified delays.
ii)- Wage period fixed by employer.
iii)- On payment will be made in current tender.
iv)- Payment of salary will be made on a working day.
Employees provident Fund: -
i)- To ensure social security by provision of provident fund, Family pension and insurance.
Employee and employer both pay equal contribution- (12/10 %)
i)- Employee can pay higher contribution.
ii)- Principal employer has to pay PF to employees under contractor.
iii)- Employer has to pay his contribution to EPF.
iv)- Employer’s contribution of 8.33% will be paid to employees’ pension scheme.
3)- Factory Act, 1948: -
i)- 10/10+ workers in manufacturing process with power aid.
ii)- 20/20+ workers in manufacturing process without power aid.
Provisions and benefits on safety-
i)- Proper lighting.
ii)- Fencing of machinery.
iii)- Employment of young person not allowed.
iv)- No employee should lift weight then can cause injury.
v)- No worker shall be forced to enter closed space.
vi)- Precautionary measures build for fire.
vii)- Presence of properly maintained and well-equipped first aid box.
4)- Other provisions under the act include:-
i)- Washing facility
ii)- Sitting facility
iii)- First Aid appliances
iv)- Canteens
v)- Weekly hours- Not more than 9 hours/ day or 48 hours/ week.
vi)- Double pay for over time.
vii)- Rest period of at least half an hour after 5 hours of work.
viii)- Women to not work before 6am and after 7 pm.
ix)- Holiday every week and compensatory holidays in case of missing of weekly holidays.
Annual paid leaves:
i)- One day for every 20 days.
ii)- Accumulation of leave for 30 days.
5)- Workman’s Compensation Act: -
Act applies to all workers in working in factory, mines, plantation, transport, construction, railway and certain specified hazardous works. However, it doesn’t apply to:
i)- Workers whose employment is of casual nature i.e. Armed force employees.
ii)- Workers covered under employee state insurance Act, 1948.
iii)- Employer is liable to pay compensation in following conditions –
iv)- Injury must have been caused to a worker.
v)- Most have been due to an accident.
vi)- Accident must have arisen out of and in the course of employment.
vii)- The injury must have resulted in death of the worker most have received total or partial disability at least for 3 days due to the injury.
Occupational diseases:-
i)- Claimant must prove that the disease is caused by circumstances arising out of payment.
ii)- Workers doing something for the improvement of employer’s business is covered.
iii)- Activity must be reasonably linked to the work that he is supposed to do.
6- Employee State Insurance Act: -
It includes benefits for employees in cases of sickness, maternity and employment injury and other provisions.
i)- Non- seasonal factories employing ten or more than ten people and using power.
ii)- Non- seasonal factories having 20 or more people and not using power.
7)- Benefits under the Act:
i)- Sickness benefit.
ii)- Maternity benefit.
iii)- Disablement benefit.
iv)- Medical benefits.
v)- Dependent’s benefit.
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