
Showing posts from June, 2020


HUMAN INTERACTION WITH ENVIRONMENT   i)- Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things.  ii)- Advances in science and technology have helped us to exploit the environment for our benefit, but we have also introduced pollution and caused environmental damage.  iii)- Humans impact the environment in several ways.  iv)- Common effects include decreased water quality, increased pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, depletion of natural resources and contribution to global climate change. 


1. MARKING i)- If we have decided to construct a house then according to size of plot its design is kept in mind and accordingly its map is prepared . ii)- Then i have a layout plan or make a marking on the plot.  iii)- If without marking it is built, then it may not be good.  iv)- Similarly before making any job its marking or layout according to the drawing or blue print should be done. 


Self-Awareness: - Self-awareness means recognition of ‘self’ and of our character, our strengths and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes.  Empathy: - It is the ability to understand what life is like for another person, even in a situation with which we may not be familiar.  Critical Thinking: - It is the ability to analyse information and experiences in an objective manner. 

Shapes of files and their uses-Special file-fitter online note

Shape of file:- Common files of different shapes : 1- Flat file , 2- Hand file, 3- Square file, 4- Round file, 5- Half round file, 6- Triangular file, 7- Knife-edge file.   Flat file :- i)- These files are of a rectangular cross section.  ii)- The edges along the width of these files are parallel up to two-thirds of the length, and then they taper towards the point.  iii)- The faces are double cut, and the edges single cut.  iv)- These files are used for general purpose work.

Surface Gauges-Types of Chisel-Fitter online Note

1)- Surface gauges   i)- The surface gauge is one of the most common marking tools. It is used for:-  a)- A scribing lines parallel to a datum surface,  b)- Setting jobs on machines parallel to a datum surface,  c)- Checking the height and parallelism of jobs, setting jobs concentric to the machine spindle.

Bevel gauge-Combination Set-Try square-Sine bar-FITTER ONLINE NOTE

Angular measuring instruments 1)- Semi-Precision   i)- Meany tools are direct and indirect angle measurement purpose used. ii)- The most common instruments used to check angles. iii)- There are Three types of semi-precision angular measuring instruments a)- bevel or bevel gauge, b)- universal bevel gauge, c)- bevel protractor.  a)- Bevel or bevel gauge:-    i)- The bevel gauges cannot measure angles directly.  ii)- They are, therefore, indirect angular measuring instruments.  iv)- The angles can be set and measured with bevel protractors.  bevel gauge b)- Universal bevel gauge:- i)- The universal bevel gauge has an additional blade.  ii)- This helps in measuring angles which cannot be checked with an ordinary bevel gauge. Universal bevel gauge c)- Bevel protractor:-  i)- The bevel protractor is a direct angular measuring instrument. ii)- It has graduation marked from 0° to 180°.  iii)- Angles can be measured within an accuracy  o...


INTRODUCTION - 1- It is a precision measuring instrument. 2- It is measured by angle. 3- Its accuracy is 5' 4-All parts made by good quality alloy steel. PARTS OF VERNIER BEVEL PROTRACTOR - a)- STOCK, b)-DISC, c)-DIAL, d)-BLADE,   e)-LOCKING SCREW. a)-STOCK -   1- It is one of the contacting surface during the measurment of an angle. 2- It should be kept in contact with the surface from which the inclination is measured. b)-DISC -     1- The disc is an integrated parts of the stock. 2- It is circular in shape and the edge is graduated in degree. c)-DIAL -     1- It is pivoted to the disc and can be rotated 360 degree. 2- The vernier scale of the instrument is attached to the dial. 3- The dial is locked to the disc during reading the measurement. d)-BLADE - 1- This is other contacting surface of the instrument that contacts the work during measurement. 2- It is fixed to the dial with the help of clamping lever. 3- Blade one end ...

Entrepreneur-Entrepreneurship-iti-fitter online note

Entrepreneur:-  An Entrepreneur is a person who establishes his own enterprise takes risk and earns profit from it. He gives employment to other people for the growth of his enterprise. His works starts before the starting the Business. Where the work of management starts after the formation of enterPrises. Entrepreneurship: –   Entrepreneurship has traditionally been defined as the process of designing, launching and running a new business which typically begins as a small business. Good Qualities of Entrepreneurship: – Perseverance:-   The ability to withstand repeated rejection and disappointment is an essential part of an entrepreneur’s make up.   Flexibility-   Entrepreneurship is a tough space to play in. Unexpected challenges and problems appear constantly.   High internal locus of control:-   Successful entrepreneurs have faith in their ability to determine their own success.   Learning and iteration:-   when a problem ...

pig-iron and Cast Iron-ITI-FITTER ONLINE NOTE

Introduction of pig-iron i)- Metal which contain Iron as a Major  content  Are called ferrous metal. ii)- There are different types of ferrous metal : (1) Pig Iron (2) Cast Iron (3) Wrought Iron and (4) Steel  1)- Pig Iron:-     (I) Pig Iron Is obtained by the chemical reduction of Iron ore.  (Ii) The process of reduction of The Iron ore To Pig Iron Is Known as smelting . (Iii) The raw materials required for Producing Pig Iron  (A) Iron Ore (B) Coke (C) Flux a)- Iron Ore:- (I) The chief Iron Ores Used Are  : (A) Magnetite (B) Hematite (C) Limonite (D) Carbonate  (Ii) The Separation Of Iron From Iron Is achieved By smelting It With Core and limestone In a blast furnace.  (b)- Coke:-  :  (I) Core Is the fuel used to give necessary hit to carry on the reducing action . (Ii) The carbon from the core In the form of carbon monoxide combines with the Iron Ore to reduce It to Iron.  (c)- Flux:-  :   (I)  This I...

Basic Fitting-Steel Rule-Scribes-Dividers-Calipers-Punch-ITI-fitter online note

1)- Steel Rule(Basic Fitting):- i)- Engineer’s steel rule are used to measure the dimensions of work pieces. ii)- It is made by Carbon Steel , Stainless Steel or Spring Steel. iii)- Its both edges there is marking lines and with the help of these lines the jobs can be measured. iv)- Its available in 150 mm, 300 mm and 600 mm. v)-  The reading accuracy of steel rule is 0.5 mm and 1/64 inch.  Steel rule Types of rule:- a)- Narrow steel rule:- i)- Narrow steel rule is used to measure the depth of key- ways and depth of smaller dia. ii)- Blind holes of jobs, where the ordinary steel rule can not reach.  iii)- Its width is approximately 5 mm and thickness 2 mm. iv)- Do not place a steel rule with other cutting tools. v)- Apply a thin layer of oil when not in use. b)- Short steel rule:-   i)- Its available in a set of small rule having 1/4", 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" and 1" length pieces. ii)- It is also available in metric system having a s...


1. MEASUREMENT INTRODUCTION i)- Working in workshop or making job or manufacturing machine parts some sizes are given in the drawing like length, breadth, height, thickness, diameter, radius or angle, etc.  ii)- To make same size and shape of jobs it is very essential that it should be correctly measured.  iii)- Since their production depends upon these sizes.  iv)- Making of some special type of parts or job as per drawing in a workshop we have to measure and inspect so for that some instruments are required known as measuring tools. 2. MEASURING i)- Size of some work piece measured in standard unit is known as measurement. ii)- Manufacturing of machine parts in a workshop are always according to specific measurement. iii)- its accuracy depends upon quality of measuring tools and skill of the worker.  3. TYPES OF MEASURING There are four system to measuring types of any job: 1. Linear Measurement:-  i)- Measurement in straight line is known as linear measureme...

Labor Welfare Legislation-Emploeebility skill-ITI-fitter online note

1)- Apprentice act: - Purpose - Promotion of new skilled worker by practical. Applies-   To areas and industries under central Government. Eligibility to Apprentice-   Minimum age of 14 years with level of education and physical fitness as indicated in the act. Duration of Training - 6 months – 4 years depending on the trade. Contract-   i)- Registered with apprenticeship advisor. ii)- Certificate of proficiency. iii)- Payment in form of stipend. 2)- Payment of wages Act: - Purpose-  i)- Regulation of payment of wages and speedy remedy under illegal deduction or on justified delays. ii)- Wage period fixed by employer. iii)- On payment will be made in current tender. iv)- Payment of salary will be made on a working day. Employees provident Fund: - Purpose-   i)- To ensure social security by provision of provident fund, Family pension and insurance. Employee and employer both pay equal contribution - (12/10 %) i)- Employee can pay higher contribution. ii)- Princ...


What is Hacksaw:- i)- It is also cutting tool and also called iron saw. ii)- It is used to cut pipe,sheet and different types of metal. iii)- The processing of cutting by hacksaw is called hack sawing. iv)- It has two parts 1)- Frame and 2)- Blade. 1)- HACKSAW FRAME:-  i)- Hacksaw frame has right angle bent both side. ii)- The handle is fitted to its one side end and second side tension sliding screw is fitted. iii)- A hacksaw frame is used along with a blade to cut metals of different sections.  iv)- It is specified by the type and maximum length of the blade that can be fixed.  v)- For Example - Adjustable hacksaw frame - tubular - 250 - 300 mm or 8" - 12 vi)- Hacksaw frame are two types a)- Solid Frame and b)- Adjustable Frame. a)- Solid Frame:-   i)- It is made of iron sheet which is bent at right angle from both side. ii)-A blade of a particular standard length can be fitted to this frame.300 mm or 250 mm.   b)- Adjustable Frame:- i)- It is divide...


Introduction:- i)- Two similar or dissimilar metals are joining together by the help of electrode, filler rod or pressure type of joining that is called welding. ii)- Welding are two types Fusion Welding and Non-Fusion Welding. Fusion Welding:-   i)- In this type of welding the edge are melted by heating and filler rod is filled after melting in these edge. ii)- Thus the weld metal and filler metal are joint together by mixing of filler rod. iii)- When this filler metal cooled down then made strong joint. Types of Fusion Welding:- 1- Arc Welding, 2- Gas Welding, 3- Thermit Welding, 4- Electron Beam Welding. 1- Arc Welding:- i)- In this method of welding an arc is produced by an electricity and get this either generator or transformer is used. ii)- Arc welding further divided in to many types. a)- Metal arc welding, b)- Carbon arc welding,  c)- Tig welding, d)- Arc stud welding, e)- Electro-Gas welding, f)- Atomic Hydrogen welding, g)- Plasma arc welding. Equipment used in arc...